21 DAYS of prayer and FASTING
In 2025, our Messiah Community Church theme is WORD WISE. To set the tone for the new year, we are once again beginning together (starting Jan. 5th) with 21 days of prayer and fasting. We are calling on God together to give us His help, direction, strength, and wisdom. Click the button below to join weekday prayer at 7:00am via Google Meets or YouTube. Mark your calendars to gather with us in-person on Saturdays, Jan. 11, 18 + 25 at 9am. Check out the brochure guide for more details on why and how to participate.
Join us on the YouVersion Bible App to follow our daily readings.
You can participate in 1 of 3 ways this year. Pray and let God lead you to the best for you. There’s no “ right or wrong” If you’re new to fasting take it slow - don’t be upset with yourself if you stumble along the way. If you’re unable because of medical reasons simply commit to praying with us daily.
WHY fast?
The key is to turn our hearts toward God on a daily basis. By saying “no” to something else we desire, we invite God, our Source, to fill each void. We fast to seek direction, submit our requests, and center ourselves in God’s Will.
The Daniel Fast is based on Daniel's choice "not to defile himself with the royal rations of food and wine." Daniel chose, for a season, to be "given vegetables to eat and water to drink." (Daniel 1:8-17 NRSV)
In the midst of an attempt to persuade Daniel and his friends to abandon their allegiance to God, they set themselves apart with a fast and God gave them great favor!
The Partial Fast is contrasted with what is known as a complete fast. The Partial Fast may be for a portion of a day or for portions of several days at a time--e.g. have a light breakfast and fast for the remainder of the day. Or fast during the day and have an evening meal.
It is practiced by abstaining from food altogether. (Our partial fast strongly encourages drinking plenty of water in order to stay hydrated.) You may also sip on clear liquids such as decaffeinated tea during the period of the day in which you are fasting. Whatever time you choose for your Partial Fast, maintain the schedule daily.
A Complete Fast is a fast from both food and drink, for a specified period of time. A Complete Fast is intense as its name implies and is practiced in Scripture as an expression of an extreme need for God in personal or collective circumstances.
Moses, Esther, Elijah and Jesus all practiced this fast as found in the respective Scriptures: Exodus 34:28, Esther 4:15-17, 1 Kings 19:8, and Matthew 4:1-10.
WE DO NOT ADVISE beginning the Complete Fast without first consulting your physician and inviting the prayerful support of members of your church family. We also consider a fast from food but drinking lots of water, herbal teas, and clear liquids a type of the Complete Fast.